Brain Slices
Brain Slices is a creative outlet for students where their work is featured. These submissions lie at the intersection of neuroscience and art as the creative process is as important for scientific discovery as it is for our mental health and both servers to create models of the world.
Sonia Arora
Lola Fay Papanikolaou
Amaan Rakhangi
Rachel Barbente
Gabby Schneider
Neuroscience Poetry
I asked my students to write a poem about what they learned in class.
I thought this would help them remember the material and help them pass.
I figured I'd try it out to see how hard it would be.
They insisted I post my poem for all to see.
So here goes…
We call this structure the blue spot
It's small, but functionally it does a lot
It regulates arousal and responds to novelty
Synthesizing norepinephrine is one of its qualities
It's important for mediating responses to stress
And those times when you're a hot mess
The LC has widespread projections in all directions
It's prone to infections due to its vascular connections
The first to go in Alzheimer’s disease
Most will agree
But that's the life of a neuromodulator
A salience stimulator
A memory generator
A pupil dilator
Playing a key role in the pathophysiology and etiology
Of disorders like PTSD
Recent advances in technology and biology
Have allowed neuroscientists to study
How this pontine nucleus
Which truly is in tune with us
Enhances cognitive flexibility
With the utmost adaptability
Waveforms on the oscilloscope
The LC regulates sleep/wake cycles
Gorgeous under the microscope
Coerulophile is the best title
Amaan Rakhangi