The Stability and Flexibility of Memory Traces in Psychiatric Disease-Like States
Memory & Neuro modulatory Mechanisms (MNEME) Lab
Welcome to our page. We are a behavioral neuroscience lab at Loyola University in Chicago. Our research is focused on elucidating the mechanisms by which memories change across time and how they are updated to incorporate new information. One of our overarching objectives is to identify target circuits involved in psychiatric disease-related states, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - where memory updating may be impaired. Within a systems-neuroscience framework, we examine the stability and flexibility of hippocampal ensemble dynamics, as well as the neuromodulatory inputs governing how memories are updated in mouse models of stress and anxiety.
Memory in Motion
Alteration of a fear memory - here we see a fear memory tagged before (red) & after (blue) optical interference in a mouse hippocampus via artificial reactivation of a positive memory.